Sunday, August 21, 2016

Will be doing community service every day from 9 AM to 18 PM in local council firefighters department for the next 2 weeks.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

It is totally mind blowing to me that pretty much everything not only in Hollywood but also in other country's  film and television industry is based in my life, i.e. "screenwriters" "music writers"... are feed "information" about me without my approval and without any kind of compensation.

This has been going on for years now.

Not only the people making money out of this interfered with my life they also force me into a life of absolute misery (financially, socially, affectuall, medically...) and it's still going.

Mind you i have seen a list of films that passed the billion dollar revenue and when i started to look at it recognized "myself" in many of them, one very recognizable example is "star wars: the force awakens".

To me it is clear that i was effectively stripped of the very most basic Human Rights sometime around 15 years ago and it has still going on.

I can recognize "all sorts" of psychological "warfare" (for the lack of better word) thrown at me to make me bipolar (is my guess) (most are low level childish).

Pretty much all my person to person interactions are "unusual" (for the lack of a better word).

If you have read my email and my "blog":

You would notice my mentioning of Nice, France (i went there because i assumed that the "interference" was mainly Portuguese, i was wrong since no one came to my aid. The stalking there was completely "off the charts" mind you i was sleeping on the street for over a month without money of my own what so ever, when i decided to go to the side walk and beg for money one of the (large number of) persons that was stalking me told me that i couldn't stay there (with a voice and a body language that indicated clearly to me that he was very well aware of who i was), by there i mean Nice (city), mind you i had no money even for my most basic needs and "this group of people" wanted me moving.

I don't understand why higher level organisms that can deal with this in a very swift and effective way (after all this is Europe) not only do nothing but facilitate the "work" of these slave masters (i could expand largely on this sentence).

I kindly ask of you to forward this to people that might be willing to put themselves on top of this or even law University departments (from what i can see they are the only ones that might be willing to do something since even the UN Human rights arm won't intervene) and i imagine a mail from a respectable "advocat" command a greater attention span then a "desperate" person with irregular writing.

Mind you i was recognized by a extremely large number of people when walking down a very busy street in Nice (street with coffee shops and shops), also due to my "problems" with portuguese justice and this "group of people" showing no boundaries what so ever, i can't even move abroad and beg for Asylum until they are all addressed and even then.... i image much wouldn't change... and in all honesty i don't think i will reach a point where that is feasible (portuguese slave masters are making to much money to allow that, i certainly won't be able to leave the country until the next (2016) star wars premier's and alot of people get payed not that they haven't made enough from prying on my privacy and intimacy.

European Union set minimum rules for state members to joining, no local politician within E.U. confines can in a honestly way say they don't know about human rights violations withing their own locality (if their is some to report), it's just impossible, the political and policial (has in police) structure set, just makes it impossible to "not know".

If i had a way to deal with all this myself without involving other people i would.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

So that "you see" some of what i notice.

The bellow screen-shot from torrentshack site [(private torrent tracker) but is "scene" upload so pretty much can be seen on any private torrent tracker] was taken not long after (by not long after i mean: minutes up to a hour) i had asked for help by email to a leading advocacy department of a Brazilian university.

By no means that is a fluke i.e. a isolated case, it's constant, by constant i mean all the time.

Screen-shot taken about 9AM GMT august 10, 2016.

Just read from bottom to top the screen-shot (click-able thumbnail).

Monday, August 8, 2016

To the US administration, the European Union Commission and to the Portuguese government:  Can i have my freedom back and some degree of justice?

To the lawyers i'm trying to reach out, please help me.

Monday, August 1, 2016

surely there must be someone that takes he's job seriously  (lawyer, journalist, human rights activist).

Please, don't force me to live in a nightmare for life.

I need legal aid!